Terms and Conditions

Special Orders: Special orders for cash Customers must be paid for in advance. Account Customers will be billed according to credit agreement. No Special order will be placed without a signed quote. Special orders are non refundable/non returnable. Special orders are items that are not in regular inventory or are manufactured for a specific Customer or project.

Customer Choose and Hold Orders: All Customer Choose and Hold orders must be paid for in advance. All Choose and Hold orders will only be held for a maximum of 30 Days. Choose and Hold orders that are cancelled will be charged a 25% re-handling fee.

Estimating: Any measurements, material take offs and/or material quantity estimates given by Kiss Stone Supply, LLC are NOT to be considered exact and are to be used for general estimating purposes only. Customer assumes the risk of any overages or shortages created by utilizing our general estimates and any such overages or shortages are the sole responsibility of the Customer.

Product Quality/Product Return: Due to the nature of our earth's products: color, exact sizing, and special characteristics cannot be guaranteed.  It is important to keep in mind that stone is a product of nature and its colors and sizes will vary. The end result of your project will depend on the skill level of the masonry crew.  Kiss Stone Supply, LLC recommends that you use a reputable mason for installation of your natural stone.  If you feel you need to return your purchase, please note the following:  It is necessary for the Original Invoice or Sales Receipt to be present at the time of return. Returns must be within 30 days of invoice or sale date.  Returns must be approved by Kiss Stone Supply, LLC. Pallets of product need to be unopened in order to be considered for return.  All Natural Stone is subject to approval by Kiss Stone Supply, LLC prior to return and will incur a 25% restocking charge.  Used materials of any kind may not be returned.  All job site pickup returns will incur a delivery fee, and are subject to driver discretion. Product must be accessible, and pickup fee will be upheld if product is not picked up due to inaccessibility.

Release of Delivery Liability - Inadequate Deliver Site: Customer understands and agrees that it is the Customer's responsibility to provide a proper and safe delivery unloading site. Thus, Customer agrees that Kiss Stone Supply, LLC, its servants, agents, employees, or subcontractors, shall not be liable to Customer for any claims, demands, injuries, damages, economic loss, actions or causes of action whatsoever, to person or property, arising out of or related to an inadequate delivery unloading site.  Kiss Stone Supply, LLC requests that you securely restrain any animals at the delivery site.  If the delivery driver deems a delivery site inadequate because of an unrestrained animal, delivery will be rescheduled once assurance has been given that the animal will be confined.

Furthermore, Customer agrees that Customer will be financially responsible for and pay any and all fees/expenses/damages caused by an inadequate delivery unloading site including, but not limited to, damage to delivery vehicle and apparatus, Towing Fees (see Towing Fees).

Release Of Delivery Liability - Damages Incurred During Delivery: Kiss Stone Supply, LLC shall not be liable for any damages incurred during delivery, including, but not limited to, damage to curbs, driveways, structures, mailboxes, lawns, trees, underground or overhead utilities, septic systems, irrigation systems and adjoining property and structures. Thus, Customer expressly hereby forever releases and discharges Kiss Stone Supply, LLC from all claims, demands, injuries, damages, economic loss, actions or causes of action, and from all acts of active or passive negligence on the part of Kiss Stone Supply, LLC, its servants, agents, employees, or subcontractors arising out of or related to the delivery of the materials. Customer shall indemnify Kiss Stone Supply, LLC and make Kiss Stone Supply, LLC financially whole, including, but not limited to, reimbursement of reasonable attorney's fees incurred by Kiss Stone Supply, LLC, and shall hold Kiss Stone Supply, LLC harmless from any and all claims by any third parties related to or arising out of the delivery/unloading of materials.

Minimum Haul Policy: Haul rates are based on full truck load volumes only; Partial load deliveries will be invoiced and processed at full truck load rates.

Towing Fees: In the event a Customer's unloading site entraps a vehicle requiring a tow, the Customer shall hire a towing company sufficiently equipped, licensed and insured to tow large commercial vehicles (i.e. dual axel dump trucks).

Payment/Charges: The Customer agrees to all charges for material and or damages via credit card or personal check. A returned check fee in the amount of $65.00 will be charged for all returned checks. A late fee of 1% of unpaid amount will be added to the bill 10 days after due date and every 30 days thereafter until bill is paid in full.  Returned checks and charge backs to credit cards will be deemed as non payment and Kiss Stone Supply, LLC reserves the right to serve notice of intent to file for legal remedies and or file a lien on property.

Yard Loading Liability: It is the customer’s sole responsibility to furnish a proper and safe vehicle/trailer and for determining the proper amount to be loaded when purchasing products from Kiss Stone Supply, LLC. In the event of damages to the customers vehicle/trailer due to improper & unsafe vehicle/trailer or overloading, the customer will bear all expenses and liabilities. Kiss Stone Supply, LLC assumes no liability for any and all damages customer’s vehicle or trailer.

Warranty: There are no expressed or implied guaranty or warranty of any kind on natural stone products. All natural stone has inherent variations in color, texture and durability. Kiss Stone Supply, LLC is not liable for suitability of a stone for a specific application or the installation of products.